
I just would like to tell you that a Luxembourgian Ubuntu-LOCO team is on it’s way. We’ve got a wiki entry, a mailing list (ubuntu-lu@lists.ubuntu.com) and an IRC Channel (#ubuntu-lu) on Freenode.

At the moment I hope that some Lilux (LiLux – GNU/Linux User Group Luxembourg) members will help me to get some people motivated to join, it will be quite a problem, to get a critical mass of members, otherwise.

Once we are a bunch of people we could try to do some Ubuntu Advocacy.

Computer-related fairs and exhibitions can certainly benefit from an Ubuntu presence! The LoCoComputerFairHowTo suggests ways to organize a booth, volunteer staffing, et al. Canonical can help with CDs, and in the future hope to have a conference pack with posters and related materials.

Another possibility for advocacy is to help ensure that Ubuntu gets coverage in your regional press. There are Linux magazines all over the world that highlight and review distributions in every issue, sometimes even distributing CDs. Help us get Ubuntu in the magazines you read! Those magazines also sometimes want to interview local people who are using the distribution – share your success stories.

UbuntuFriendlyHardwareSuppliers describes how you can organise contacting and listing PC suppliers in your area, asking if they supply Ubuntu friendly (or even preinstalled!) hardware.

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